World Braille Day: The Reaction of Commissioner Paul Tezano


As we mark World Braille Day on 4 January 2024, I take this opportunity to acknowledge the various initiatives undertaken by the Cameroon Human Rights Commission to champion the rights of persons with disabilities, with a special focus on the blind and visually impaired.

Under the leadership of its Chairperson, Professor James MOUANGUE KOBILA, the CHRC has adopted the practice of providing Braille versions of its statements, demonstrating a commitment to ensuring that visually impaired individuals can easily access the information.

I am of the view that other public services should take inspiration from the Cameroon National Human Rights Institution, not only replicate this initiative but also proactively pursue the establishment of protected employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

As a Commissioner representing individuals in this category at the CHRC, I would like to call upon the Exams, Competitive Examinations and Certification Department and the Cameroon “Baccalaureate” Board to make appropriate arrangements in the examination policy that are supportive of candidates participating in official examinations and competitions in Braille. These provisions are detailed in Article 6 of the Decree fixing the procedures for the application of Law No. 2010/002 of 13 April 2010 on the promotion and protection of persons with disabilities in Cameroon.

I commend the dedicated endeavours of these two institutions in facilitating exam accessibility for visually impaired individuals during official examinations.

Commissaire Paul TEZANOU

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