World Cleanup Day 2024 : Nestlé Cameroun Employees Clean Mabanda Market


Nestlé Cameroun commemorated World Cleanup Day on Friday, September 20, by Conducting a major cleanup operation at Mabanda Market in Bonabéri, Demonstrating its strong commitment to environmental protection.

In collaboration with NaMé Recycling and with support from the Regional Delegate Of the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection, as well as the Representative Of the Mayor of Douala 4 Council, this civic cleanup operation mobilized over 50 Participants. These included the Management Committee and employees of Nestlé Cameroun, along with several volunteers.

Tackling Waste Management Challenges

Douala faces significant challenges in waste management due to rapid urbanization And industrial activities. Despite efforts by the Urban Community of Douala and other Stakeholders, only 1,500 to 1,700 tons of solid waste are collected daily out of an Average production of 2,500 tons of waste.

Acting for the good of the planet

Nestlé Cameroun, whose Douala factory has been zero waste to landfill since 2017, Used its expertise in waste management to inspire and equip local communities Through the Mabanda Market cleanup activity.

At the start of the event, the Managing Director of Nestlé Cameroun, Mr. Aboubacar Coulibaly, emphasized the importance of this cleanup activity : “This initiative aligns With the global ‘Net Zero’ roadmap of the Nestlé group launched in 2020, which aims To make 95% of our packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025 and achieve net zero Emissions by 2050. It is very important for us to participate in activities related to the Preservation of our environment. This day gives us the opportunity to mobilize our Employees and other key stakeholders for civic actions in favor of the planet. Last friday, We cleaned and raised awareness among the population of Mabanda Market for a Cleaner Bonabéri.

Impact and education

During this collaborative effort, a total of 600 kg of waste was collected, sorted, and Processed. This initiative not only addressed the immediate waste management Needs but also helped educate the local population on waste management practices Through face-to-face interactions and the distribution of 300 educational posters.

Ensuring a lasting impact

To ensure a lasting impact of the activity and the cleanliness of Mabanda Market, Nestlé Cameroun handed over cleaning materials to the market officials. This gesture also underscores Nestlé’s commitment to leaving a positive legacy for future Generations.

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